Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Time Traveler, his Wife and their Son

Day 1-Jan 26 It’s 8pm LA time and we’re sitting here at LAX waiting for our 10pm flight to Melbourne. I’m completely fried and bleary eyed, up late last night packing and we haven’t even gotten to the real fryer flyer - our 14-hour Melbourne leg. Ooooboy… Well hopefully being pre-cooked will induce quick sleep. I’ve not been one who sleeps too well on these red-eye things. Got the Melatonin w me to help just in case. I’m trying to grok the time change thing. Somehow we are going to lose January 27th (Sorry Hal, no birthday for you this year) and arrive on Thursday the 28th.

I’m reading a great historical fiction novel about Australia called The Secret River by Kate Grenville about a London criminal sent to Sydney Australia in 1806 to work off his debt for stealing. He lucked out, and instead of being hung for stealing lumber from his boss, he got some strings pulled and he and his family are shipped off to a rough penal colony of sorts in Sydney. I know so little about Australia that I love being able to read this book which really takes you back to its origins as dumping grounds for English criminals.

Day 3 - Jan 28 Ok we're here. YEA! That was one humungo LONG flight! It's Thursday 12:45 in Melbourne. Very disorienting...we just skipped right over Wednesday. I noticed as I'm sitting here with this rocking sensation as if I've been out on a boat all day....same thing from the flight. We've checked into the Novotel hotel and are about to head off in search of food. We are starving!

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